U.N.I.T.E.: Event focuses on extremism, racism
Dec 05, 2017

The Marketing Channels class holds the U.N.I.T.E. forum to discuss the impact of Aryan Nations, white supremacy and white nationalism. (Panther photo by Cody Dallas)
The GTK Auditorium was at standing-room-only on Nov. 29 as the Aryan Nation and extremism were the topics of discussion.
The event was sponsored by the Marketing Channels class as a part of their semester-long Unifying Our Nation in Times of Extremism (U.N.I.T.E.) campaign. The campaign involved the class interviewing students around campus about their knowledge of the Aryan Nation, extremism and their experience with racism.
The focus of the event was informing students about the Aryan Nation, extremist groups and race relations in America.
A panel of six students, half from the marketing class and half from the audience, discussed several questions surrounding race hate groups, Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter, and the history of racism in America.
The questions were also open to the audience to respond, prompting audience members to voice their opinions as well.