SENIOR PROFILE: Tarryn Delyons ready to take on world
May 10, 2018

Tarryn Delyons
She wakes up at 9:30 every morning to shower and reflect on the many opportunities that God has given her and makes a nice cup of mocha to start her day.
Her name is Tarryn Delyons and she is ready to take the world on. She's about to graduate in due time and go off to fight and foster her own brand.
From a small town in the southeastern part of South Carolina, she has goals, aspirations and dreams to one day use her talents to hopefully work in a newsroom or on the backdrop of a TV station.
“I've always loved TV and especially news because there's so many stories out there, ones that are being told, ones that haven't been conceived yet and even ones that have already happened. And I think that's where my heart and calling is at when it comes to what I wanna do in life,” Tarryn said.
Being from where she's from has always been a struggle in her and her family's eyes.
“You grow up seeing people you love get dragged into this gang warfare and drug life, and that's not what you expect of them. And sometimes the people where I'm from know that the only kind of retribution they have is their street knowledge.”
She also described how youth see things.
"The youth are being exposed to some of the most versatile lifestyle that involves gang life, even though there's so much they could be doing with themselves and applying what they learned to everyday life and common sense."
After college, Tarryn has plans.
“After I’ve graduated, I plan on focusing my efforts into making a newsreel and hopefully get my foot somewhere in the industry.”