Reporters offer opinions on MLK and the holiday
Jan 27, 2025

More focus needed on true purpose of holiday
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is more than just a holiday -- it’s a reminder of the ongoing fight for equality and justice.
The principles King stood for — nonviolence, civil rights, and unity — remain as important today as they were during the civil rights movement. With persistent racial disparities and social injustice in America, MLK Day serves as an opportunity to reflect on our progress and the work still left to do.
While the day is usually recognized, not everyone uses it as King likely envisioned. Many see it as a day off rather than a day of service or education about his legacy. King’s dream of equality would be better honored through acts of community service, conversations about social justice and efforts to address systemic inequities. Unfortunately, these are often overshadowed by superficial celebrations or apathy.
Additionally, the overlap of MLK Day and Trump’s inauguration in 2025 was a little off, posing a stark contrast between King’s vision of unity and the divisiveness that followed. This highlights the importance of understanding King’s message and applying it to modern challenges.
MLK Day should remain a federal holiday but more focus is needed on its true purpose: fostering education, activism and unity in a divided world.
Inspiration for the future
The overlap of Martin Luther King Jr. Day and President Donald Trump’s inauguration is a symbol that the holiday is still worth honoring.
Diversity and history have long been the subject of debate in American politics. However, these are not conversations King would be proud of because of their focus on division.
King was a man who advocated unity, respect and peace for all people. And on a day that was meant to celebrate these ideas, many feel unsettled by what is to come.
Remembered as a civil rights icon, King is often quoted when people are looking for wisdom and motivation. His words and legacy are important today just as they were during the civil rights movement.
It is always important to note where we came from and admire the progress made by those before us. We can find inspiration for the future through the past.
Contrast in values, leadership
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a reminder to the people of the ongoing struggle for equality and justice in America.
When we think and start to reflect on King’s legacy, the holiday stands for more than just a celebration, it is a call for people to address the issues of racial inequality and social justice in our communities.
MLK Day is very important to me, meaning that I think it should be celebrated as a national holiday. Yet many individuals often don’t celebrate it the way King would have wanted.
Many use the day to rest rather than for reflection or service. Most people don’t know King beyond his “I Have a Dream” speech, but he focused on topics such as fighting poverty, opposing war and advocating for better education.
MLK Day falling on the same day as Donald Trump’s inauguration shows us the contrasts in values and leadership. With that being said, it also reminds us of the need to rekindle the ideals of equality, compassion and justice that King showed.
Honoring the dream
Martin Luther King was an iconic part of not only African American history but American history as well.
For more than 40 years, his legacy has been honored. This day should be spent being productive and doing things that could honor him.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day offers a chance to consider the principles of equality, justice and service that Dr. King devoted his life to promoting. The genuine spirit of the holiday is found in actively engaging with our communities and a dedication to advancing the principles King fought for, even though many people view the day as an opportunity to relax or enjoy a long weekend.
His powerful remarks from the "I Have a Dream" speech and his timeless nonviolent philosophy are just as relevant now as they were at the height of the civil rights movement.
Along advocating widespread social change, King also emphasized the importance of each person taking personal responsibility for establishing a more equitable society.
MLK Day has lost its meaning but is more important than ever
I believe that MLK Day has lost its relevance because racism is looked at as a thing of the past. Racism has been molded as an issue that no longer affects modern society.
To many people, racism has become an issue of the past because it has become more passive-aggressive and subtle. Many people may not see racism in their day-to-day life, but we are all affected by it. However, I believe MLK Day should continue to be a holiday, especially now because of the inauguration of President Donald Trump
Trump promises to erase history -- important history such as the civil rights movement and anything else dealing with the horrors and tragedies faced by African American people during the creation of this country.
Slavery is over, yes, but the fact is that African American people today still carry the weight of systemic oppression. Attempts to remedy this disadvantage, such as affirmative action and diversity inclusion policies, have been thrown out, challenged and used against the people the policies are supposed to be assisting.
People don’t know enough about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I don’t think even I know enough about King.
Trump being inaugurated on MLK Day is symbolic. It is the beginning of the end or at least the beginning of a very hard time. It seems that Trump can literally do whatever he wants to with no repercussions.
MLK Day is important now more than ever because we must use this day to teach kids history, especially if schools decide not to.
Continuing what MLK started
Without a doubt, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is an icon in Black history and in America. His continued fight for civil rights was monumental, and over 60 years later, we are still feeling the impact of his legacy.
I whole-heartedly believe that the holiday named after the late Dr. King is still relevant and worth celebrating today. America has come a long way since the era of segregation and we owe a lot to him and his dream. We should also take the time to build on and preserve his efforts by continuing to fight for equality for all.
With this year’s holiday occurring on the same day as the inauguration of President Donald J. Trump, it brought forth controversy among King’s followers who believe that this was highly disrespectful toward him and his legacy.
With Trump being a racist with plans to initiate executive orders that strip away groups of citizens’ rights, many people believe King is “rolling in his grave” with this change in the presidency.
Despite that, I think it’s a reminder that the fight for civil rights is still ongoing and that we should continue what Dr. King and many other Black activists started.
Meaningful steps needed
Martin Luther King Jr. Day remains an essential observance in the fight for racial equality and social justice, but its meaning has evolved in ways that have grown past King's original vision. While many view the day as a time for rest or sales, King would have likely hoped it would spark social action toward a more unified society.
The holiday should undoubtedly be celebrated, but we must make sure that its significance is preserved and not seen as just another day off. If people truly understood what King's message of nonviolence, equality and justice really was, they would spend the day reflecting on how much further we still need to go, especially in the face of ongoing systemic racism.
There’s also the issue of MLK Day being the same day as the Trump inauguration, a political event that many feel undercuts the very values King championed his whole career. The irony of celebrating a champion of unity while witnessing political division at its peak is a stark reminder that King's work is far from over and that we need to continue the fight toward equality.
Ultimately, MLK Day is an opportunity to reconnect with the ideals of justice and equality that King fought for, but it’s clear that we still have a long way to go before his dream is fully realized. Reflecting on his legacy should prompt us all to take meaningful steps toward the better future he envisioned.
Embracing life as it is
MLK Day is often seen as a day off from work and school, a brief break from our everyday responsibilities. But it’s much more than that. This day is dedicated to honoring the activist who risked his life for the principles he believed in.
While many of us are taught about Martin Luther King Jr.'s contributions and accomplishments, it's important to remember that what we know is just the tip of the iceberg. This day reminds us of the immense challenges he faced in fighting discriminatory ideologies and the courage it took just to speak out.
I don’t believe there’s a specific way that King would want us to live, but rather that we should live happily and freely, embracing life as it is. He fought and spoke out so that African Americans could live the lives we do today, and his accomplishments still don’t receive the recognition they truly deserve.
The fact that MLK Day falls on the same day as Donald Trump's inauguration holds a special meaning for me. It symbolizes hope — hope that, even with the challenges ahead, we will be okay because we are protected and guided. This is just the beginning, but I have faith in us, just as MLK had faith in the future.
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The continuing relevance of MLK Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is more than just a holiday, it is an important reminder of the fight for equality, justice and human rights.
Its relevance today is still unreal, especially since the challenges King fought against, such as racial inequality, economic disparity and social injustice, still affect our society today. Celebrating this day is not just about reflecting on history but committing to continue the work he began working toward the dream MLK had.
While the holiday is very significant, many people fail to honor it in ways MLK would have envisioned. Instead of people engaging in acts of service or learning about his legacy, the day often becomes just another day off. MLK emphasized service to others and collective action, and the holiday provides an opportunity to align with these principles.
The comparison of MLK Day and Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017 highlights ongoing divisions in America. King’s legacy was one of unity and hope, while under Trump’s presidency, the United States faced growing polarization. This overlap serves as a reminder of how much work remains to achieve the ideals King fought for.
In conclusion, MLK Day is not just a day of remembrance but a call to action to deepen our understanding of MLK and continue to carry his vision forward into our society.
Blacks must keep MLK Day in spotlight
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a special day that shows all attention to the life and legacy of a major leader in the civil rights movement. President Ronald Reagan signed a bill that made Martin Luther King Day a holiday.
The day is a special day because King was one of the only ones that made a change in bringing the community together. As of now, his message is still powerful in today’s world. King wanted justice for all.
The MLK holiday consists of parades, speeches, church services and learning sessions about the day. I know of churches that serve food for the homeless in the day of also. King wanted everything just to be as one instead of separated.
It is important that we still acknowledge MLK Day because some people don’t really care for it or it may not be taught in the schools anymore. It is up to Blacks to keep this day a strong day and let people know why.
Continuation of greatness
Martin Luther King Jr. Day continues to be relevant. It is an annual reminder of King's struggle for racial fairness, equality and nonviolence — principles that are just as important today as they were during the civil rights movement.
His work paved the way for social progress, but many of the issues he championed, such as fighting systemic injustice and voter suppression, remain significant.
Martin Luther King Day deserves to be designated as a holiday. It's more than just a day to celebrate King, it's also a time to reflect on the larger civil rights struggle and motivate others to carry on his legacy. Federal recognition emphasizes the importance of this day and provides a forum for collective thought, learning and action.
While some people participate in community service, protests or educational programs that support King's agenda, others view it as just another day off. King believed in serving others and opposing injustices, thus a meaningful celebration of the event would include actions that support those aims.
The public's comprehension of King remains incomplete. Many people are familiar with his "I Have a Dream" speech, but few are aware of his broader advocacy, which included opposition to the Vietnam War, criticism of economic inequalities and calls for systemic reform. Expanding information about his entire career may increase public appreciation of his work.
Many viewed Donald Trump's inauguration being on MLK Day as symbolic, emphasizing the contrast between King's objectives and concerns about the Trump administration's approach to race, justice and equality. For numerous others, this highlighted the importance of recommitting to King's vision in the face of perceived social and political retreat.
Honoring King on inauguration day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day, observed annually on the third Monday of January, is a federal holiday in the United States honoring the life and legacy of a leader of the civil rights movement.
King played a pivotal role in fighting against racial segregation and injustice. His advocacy led to legislative changes, including the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
MLK Day is a day of remembrance for his sacrifices and achievements, as well as an opportunity for individuals to reflect on the ongoing struggle for civil rights. It should continue to be celebrated and acknowledged.
The day is important because it highlights all that he has done to enable Blacks to enjoy the freedoms that they have today. We should continue to honor Dr. Martin Luther King and his legacy.
Regarding the president's inauguration on the same day as MLK Day, I don't ever recall an inauguration taking place on this day. Brierton (2025) stated that it marks the second inauguration that has been held on Martin Luther King Day. At first, I thought this was very disrespectful but now that I have insight. People continued to honor MLK as President Donald Trump was sworn into office.
MLK Day being a day of remembrance, communities still recognized this day as a national day of service, reinforcing King's message of community engagement and helping others.
We are still a democracy, and people can choose to honor the legacy of MLK or participate in viewing Trump being sworn in on Jan. 20, 2025. However, MLK Day remains essential in these times as a reminder that the fight for justice and equality is ongoing.
King priorities hang in the balance
Monday, January 20, 2025, was MLK Day, a holiday synonymous with serving others while paying homage to a civil rights leader who fought for equality.
The day was contrasted with the inauguration of Donald Trump, whose presidential promises are to revoke and inflict the same laws that Martin Luther King Jr. once fought against. This MLK Day was different from others but also showcased an incredibly divided country whose fate hangs in the balance of uncertainty.
Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist and leader of the civil rights movement who fought for equality from the mid-1950s until his death in 1968. Gandhi’s philosophy influenced MLK's nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience towards Jim Crow, a set of laws to enforce racial segregation and discrimination.
Fifteen years after MLK’s assassination, his wife, Coretta Scott King, advocated for a designated day to observe but mainly honor her husband's legacy. She said, “No other holiday serves as a focal point for encouraging improved race relations. This holiday can help unify Americans in the spirit of Martin's dream.”
On Nov. 2, 1983, Coretta Scott King achieved her goal when former President Ronald Reagan signed a bill that recognized MLK Day as an official holiday. However, over 40 years later, in 2025, MLK’s legacy of civil rights and equality is at stake not just for a certain group of people but for every American.
The 2024 presidential election exposed a shocking flaw that America might be headed into a future that allows hatred to grow. Everything that MLK fought against hangs in the balance of uncertainty in this country.